Oh Hello,
Pippa climbing a ladder to the roof under a neon exit sign
Pippa is an experienced product designer focused on blending physical and digital experiences on the Caper Cart at Instacart.
She became passionate about experience design after her brother suffered a brain injury that impact his ability to use technology designed to help him. She witnessed how his successes emboldened him to take control of his experience and independence. This drove Pippa to examine how design determines interaction for different people and how this subsequently affects personal experiences. As a designer, she aims to balance aestheticism with research to engender inclusivity and awareness.

To brighten her days, she goes on mini-ventures with her daughter, runs with her dog, or sits at a cafe and enjoy a good coffee. She regularly rewatches Buffy the Vampire Slayer and frequents  K-Town as a reason to practice her language skills. At the end of the day, she is on the couch eating something delicious she “discovered” at Trader Joe's.
  • Work

  • Product Designer
    UX/UI Designer
    City fo Wind
    UX/UI Designer
    IT Assistant
    Columbia University
  • Education

  • Designlab
    UX/UI Design
    University of Chicago
    Korean History
    Grinnell College
    French & Philosophy
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